The organisers of the Russell Hoban Some-Poasyum would be extremely grateful for your opinions and comments on the convention. It helps us to work out if we did the right thing and if not, how we (or future organisers) could do it better or differently next time.


All questions are optional and all information is submitted anonymously. Please leave blank any questions that are not applicable or which you don't wish to answer.


Statistics gathered may be posted (in aggregated form to protect respondents' anonymity) on this site and/or The Kraken, the public Yahoo newsgroup/Russell Hoban Online Community.


This form is intended for those who did not attend the convention. If you did attend, please click here to complete the feedback form for participants.




Where did you first hear about the convention?


Please state the main reasons you did not attend the convention:


Please rate your experience/opinion of the following:


Some-Poasyum organisation and planning


Amount of notice given


Advance promotion (especially on The Kraken)










What was your opinion of the choice of the various activities?






What did you think of the venues chosen?





Did you buy any of the Some-Poasyum merchandise?


If so, please indicate your opinion of the items:


The Celebratory Booklet


Biting the wheel is not enough t-shirt


Trust me with the idea of you t-shirt


Riddley Walker cartoon mug


Merchandise ordering/customer service/after-sales service






What has your impression of the Some-Poasyum been (from Kraken discussions, convention participants, news coverage and other sources)?


How could the organisers have improved the convention, or is there anything they could have done to make it easier for you to participate?




Would you attend a future Russell Hoban convention?


If so, what is the maximum price you would consider paying for a ticket? (GBP)


Would you prefer to stay in the same hotel as all the other participants?


If so, what is the minimum level of accommodation you would consider?


When do you think the next convention should take place?


Which month(s) of the year would you most likely be able to take part? (Select multiple months by holding down CTRL when clicking)


If you have any suggestions for the following, please enter them in the respective boxes:


Locations (not confined to London/UK!)








Any other general comments on the Russell Hoban Some-Poasyum:




This demographic information is entirely voluntary and as with all data here will be submitted anonymously. It helps us to establish a picture of people interested in the Some-Poasyum and may be useful to organisers of future Russell Hoban conventions, especially if they decide to approach public funding bodies or corporate sponsors. They may not do this, and the information gathered will only be used for these reasons, if used at all.










Are you a member of The Kraken?


Interests (apart from Russell Hoban)


That's it! Thank you very much for completing this questionnaire - the information gathered will be enormously appreciated. Should you wish to further discuss the Russell Hoban Some-Poasyum, please do so on The Kraken, the public Yahoo newsgroup/Russell Hoban Online Community. If you would like to feed back to us privately about this questionnaire, please email nexovollma @





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